Friday, 21 April 2017

Hitting the Right Note

Two years ago, I rediscovered the joy of playing the clarinet after a gap of almost 28 years since I last played regularly.  It wasn't easy at first, but as the weeks and months have gone on, I have rekindled my old skills and am almost back to where I was back in 1987.  I had one big advantage this time round, I have a much better instrument than I had back then.  Equipped with a good clarinet, a good quality mouthpiece and the right reeds, the sound is so much better.

What is necessary if I am to achieve the standard required is lots of practice.  It means setting aside the time between my weekly lessons to learn scales, arpeggios, exam pieces and related skills as well as having some fun too.  Without regular practice, the stamina cannot improve and fluency cannot be achieved.  If it is going to be a success, it has got to be done well, otherwise anyone within earshot is in for an assault on their eardrums.

Since those early days, I have now reached Grade 5 and am now preparing for my Grade 6 exam towards the end of 2017.  My music is a source of real joy, and I can even play during worship.  It was both a joy and a privilege to play alongside other talented musicians at special services at Christmas and Easter.  It is the product of many hours of diligent practise and there are still many more hours of practise ahead.

Just as musicianship requires a good deal of effort, so the life of Christian discipleship.  God cannot reach out to us if we never engage with the Bible or spend time in quiet reflection.  We can never fully engage in Christian Discipleship if we never listen to and acknowledge his call on our life.  We need to understand what it means to be a disciple, we need to be prepared to live our life to the glory of God.

When we do fully engage in our life of discipleship, we begin to experience the real joy of belonging to Christ.  It doesn't mean that life will be easy, it doesn't mean that bad things won't happen, but we do not walk the difficult path alone.  Nothing this world throws at us can ever separate us from the love of God, our life takes on a whole new meaning and sense of purpose.

As we continue through the Easter season, may we all be able to sing with joy:

Jesus is king and I will extol Him
Give Him the glory, and honour His name
He reigns on high, enthroned in the heavens
Word of the Father, exalted for us

We have a hope that is steadfast and certain
Gone through the curtain and touching the throne
We have a Priest who is there interceding
Pouring His grace on our lives day by day

We come to Him, our Priest and Apostle
Clothed in His glory and bearing His name
Laying our lives with gladness before Him
Filled with His Spirit we worship the King

O Holy One, our hearts do adore You
Thrilled with Your goodness we give You our praise
Angels in light with worship surround Him
Jesus, our Saviour, forever the same

© 1982 Word�s Spirit of Praise Music