Monday, 24 February 2014

Talking about God

We're shy about talking to others about God.  We'd more readily recommend our local Indian restaurant than a personal relationship with a risen Saviour.  Our world is screaming out for a hefty helping of real hope and it seems all we offer is the usual comfort food.

I went to a service at a different church yesterday to do my Reflection on a Service for Section D of my local preacher's course.  It was a wonderful service and the guest speaker, a Pentecostal Pastor was brilliant.  He preached a message that really struck a chord with where I'm at.  I came away feeling empowered to engage in more God talk.  He told the story of a chance encounter that led to a young man finding his faith and coming into a new and wonderful experience.  It's heart-warming to hear testimony like that.  It's encouraging to hear that people are still finding God through chance encounters with his people.

The chorus of the final hymn really reached somewhere deep - Hymn 662 from 'Singing the Faith', the new Methodist hymnbook.

‘We will walk the path that will cost us much and embrace the pain and sorrow.  We will trust in One who entrusts to us the disciples of tomorrow’.

What are you doing to help the disciples of tomorrow?  It's a path that will cost us much, we may have to endure pain and sorrow along the way, but we owe it to God.  The same God who loved each of us so much that he sent Jesus to win for us the salvation we could never win for ourselves....go talk about God and help others find the faith we hold so dear.

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