Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Living in eager anticipation

Now that my units of Faith and Worship are submitted, I must patiently await my results.  In the meantime, I have Wesley's sermons to study, services to lead, my stewarding tasks to be completed and somewhere amongst that lot, find time to be me.  An end to intensive study brings with it a period of adjustment, getting used to having time to do the things that for so long have been pushed to one side.  My camera kit may now see the light of day, and there are many books I have purchased that just require the time to read and learn from them.  As some are keen to remind me, there will be time to reflect more.

Lent is a time for reflection and preparation as we get ready to celebrate Easter.  Many will attend special Lent Groups - setting aside extra time for fellowship and learning.  At Goffs Oak, we are using the Methodist course 'Exploring Spiritual Practices'.  It has been a wonderful series, and when the sessions end, Wednesday evenings just won't be the same.  It was nice to be on the receiving end rather than in the hot seat for once.  It has been energising, inspiring and I feel the benefit of that extra time of fellowship.

Going forward, I find myself on a steep learning curve because we never know everything there is to know, we never achieve that complete understanding of the character of God.  Our amazing, all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-loving, inescapable God.

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