Saturday, 24 May 2014

Let Him in and you'll see

I have just been reading a book by Margaret Silf called 'One Hundred Wisdom Stories'.  There is a story about God looking for a home for his son.  He knocks on a door and after a brief conversation with the resident, he is offered a spare room to rent for his son, but God really wants to buy the whole house, though he likes what he sees.  The Son moves in, but soon God is back, seeking yet more room for his son.  There is a sense of unease about the transaction, but the resident needs the house for himself.  God keeps pressing, to let him have the whole house, the resident could stay, it would all work out amazingly well, but he wouldn't understand until the transaction was complete, he had to give the whole house to the Son to discover it for himself.

The truth is that God is seeking a home within our hearts and minds for his Son, Jesus.  All to often, we are content to only give God part of us, keeping the rest of ourselves to pursue our own interests, but what happens when we begin to realise we are meant to give God all of ourselves?  Is it not true that we must make that commitment, only then do we discover what it really means to live in complete union with God through Christ.

Are you wholly God's or are you holding back?  Is it time for you to surrender all?

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