Saturday, 19 September 2015

Refugees Welcome!

In recent weeks, our news reports have been filled with the plight of the thousands of people fleeing their home country for a better life in Western Europe.  Feelings on both sides have been running high and the tension between Governments and the refugees has intensified.  It took the grim photo of a tiny boy washed up on a beach to focus people's attention and there is a glimmer of hope that more of these people will find refuge.

Last Saturday, London District abandoned some of their Synod agenda to join a protest march to Downing Street.  Many Methodist clergy were there in their dog collars as a very visible presence, standing in solidarity with the refugees.  On that day, even though I was unable to march, I was proud to be a London Methodist.  Social responsibility sits at the very core of what Methodism stands for and it sat at the very core of Jesus' ministry too.

Surely in our response to this crisis, we must ask ourselves the question "What would Jesus do?"  That must be our guiding thought, and when we have accepted that, to follow through by appropriate action.  Support charities, local initiatives, lobby MPs and most of pray that the situation improves dramatically.

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